Do you have a Mega Housing Program we can help with?

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Who are We

MENA Development & Management is a unique development company concentrating on one type of client and one type of product. Our main objective is to provide turnkey solutions for the governments of the world to embark on mega scale housing programs with the main objective of providing a dignified home and a better life to its public servants. Every country is different, its demands are different and its requirements are different. At Mena Development and Management we tailor the design and implementation based on the criteria of requirements set for every country. With our capabilities and our partner’s technological and construction capabilities, we provide a full comprehensive solution for mega scale housing programs that are very appealing to governments in every way.

Whether it’s the product and its design, the cost, the technological efficiency, the business model, the construction arm and contractor top tier capability, the financing mechanism, our cycle of offering is very unique, enticing, and credible and acts as a major catalyst to any government agenda wanting to take on major housing developments. We structured our offering so that government could fund the development through an internally generated financing cycle without need for external financing and burdening the treasury. Our platform is global and to many countries we are the ideal solution and to many others we are the only solution in taking on such large scale programs with total comfort derived from our construction arm, our technology and our business model.

Turn-Key Solutions

We achieve this by providing a full spectrum of services and solutions that make us extremely unique in our offering. Our services include the following:


Urban Planning

Urban Planning

The Urban planning criteria for the development works towards ensuring sustainable and resilient living. It builds upon several themes that are informed by the local context and region

Site Master Planning

Site Master Planning

The site planning process focuses on creating a well serviced, diverse, active and safe development that also responds to and accommodates for future growth.

Architecture Design

Architecture Design

Conceptual approach to the residential units is based on the overarching intent to create independent, spacious, affordable and aesthetically pleasing family owned homes.

Infrastructure & Detailed Design

Infrastructure & Detailed Design

Produce detailed design for the whole project including infrastructure, roads, residences, supporting services and commercial zones.

Financial Modeling & Engineering

Financial Modeling & Engineering

Conduct full financial analysis and showcase all cost centers and revenue centers to all stakeholders.

Structured Finance

Structured Finance

Structure the financing mechanism under construction finance and asset backed security for comprehensive financing solutions.

Project Documentation

Project Documentation

Produce full project documentation to be the detailed guiding principle for the construction phase and for the main contractor.

Consortium Setup

Consortium Setup

Establish the developing consortium with regional leading powerhouse contractors and technology providers.

Construction & Turn-Key Deliverables

Construction & Turn-Key Deliverables

A supervision role during the construction phase to assure quality and on time delivery.

Sample of Houses and Layout

Sample of Product and Design